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Sodium formate for industrial use
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Sodium formate for industrial use

Mainly used for producing formic acid, oxalic acid and insurance powder etc.
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Products Categiry:Polyol Series
Keywords:UV light curing new material series,Reactive diluent
Product description:Jiangsu Kailin Ruiyang Chemical Co., Ltd. was founded in 2001, the headquarters is located in Liyang City, Jiangsu Province, south of the town of strong town. Is a set of polyol series, UV light curing series, water-based polyurethane series and the new resin


1.Mainly used for producing formic acid, oxalic acid and insurance powder etc.

2.Used as a reagent, disinfectant and mordant for determination of phosphorus and arsenic.


4.It is intermediate for producing formic acid and oxalic acid, and also used in dimethylformamide. Also used in medicine, printing and dyeing industry. It is also the precipitant of heavy metal.

5.It is used in acid resin coating, plasticizer, high explosive, acid resistant material, aviation oil, adhesive additive.

6.Heavy metal precipitation agent, in solution can form three valence metal contact ions. Determination of phosphorus and arsenic reagents. It is also used as disinfectant, astringent and mordant. It is also intermediate for producing formic acid and oxalic acid and used to produce dimethylformamide.

7.Used for nickel-cobalt alloy electrolyte.

8.Leather industry, the camouflage acid in chrome tanning method

9.Used for catalyst and stabilizer.

10.The reducing agent of printing and dyeing industry.

Physicochemical property

1.Description: white granular or crystalline powder. It has hygroscopicity and mild formic acid.

2.Density(g/mL ,25/4℃):1.92

3.Melting point(℃):253

4.Boiling point(ºC,ordinary pressure):360 ºC

5.Solubility: soluble in water and glycerin, slightly soluble in ethanol and insoluble in ether.

Manufacturing technique

Extract from pentaerythritol reaction liquid mixture

Transport storage

1.The transport process should be moisture-proof and rainproof.

2.Store in a cool and dry place to prevent rain and damp.

Product quality standards (implementation Q/CFRY 01-2015)

Test items Quality indicators Test method
Super Classy article Top quality goods Qualified product
Appearance White or microstrip crystallization White or microstrip crystallization White or microstrip crystallization White or microstrip crystallization Q/CFRY 01 Sodium industrial formate
Sodium formate (in dry basis),%≥ 98.0 95.0 92.0 88.0 Q/CFRY 01 Sodium industrial formate
Organic impurities (in a dry basis),% ≤ 1.5 4.5 7.5 11.5 Q/CFRY 01 Sodium industrial formate
Water and volatilization,%  ≤ 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Q/CFRY 01Sodium industrial formate
Sodium chloride (in dry basis),% ≤ 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 Q/CFRY 01Sodium industrial formate


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